An Ethics Consent Form is not always required for dissertation research at the undergraduate or master's level. It will depend on: (a) whether it is feasible to get informed consent, which varies according to the type of dissertation research you are performing; and (b) the expectations of your supervisor, department and/or university. If you are expected to get written consent, the article sets out the four main components of your Ethics Consent Form, which also acts as an Information Sheet for potential participants.
If you have been given a specific Ethics Consent Form to use by your dissertation supervisor; or one is included in your dissertation guidelines, you should use this. If not, your Ethics Consent Form should consist of four components: (a) background to the research; (b) possible demands on participants; (c) questions about participants? consent; and (d) official bits. Each of these four components is discussed in turn:
You should include the following information:
Dissertation title
Purpose of the research
Method(s) you will use
Possible research outcomes
It may be possible to provide this background within a single paragraph, reducing the time demands on your participants.
You should outline the possible demands on participants associated with taking part in your dissertation research. These include:
Time demands
Possible discomfort
You should also explain what you will be doing to minimise these demands (e.g., how you will be protecting participants' identity).
Your Ethics Consent Form will need to include a number of questions that confirm that respondents:
have read and understood the background information that you provided about your research;
recognise the possible demands that will be put on them and what you have done to try and minimise these demands;
have volunteered to take part in the research and have acknowledged that they can withdraw at any time.
Some example questions would be:
Do you understand the purpose of the research (Yes/No)?
Have you read and understood what the research requires of you? (Yes/No)
Do you understand that you can withdraw from this research at any time? (Yes/No)
There are a number of generic questions like these that you can ask, but you may also need to include questions that are specific to your research.
The final part of your Ethics Consent Form should include some text confirming that participants acknowledge (a) they have voluntarily agreed to take part in your dissertation research and (b) understand what is required of them (i.e., informed consent).
Finish off the form by providing space for your research participants and you (the researcher) to date and sign the form. You should offer a copy of the Ethics Consent Form to the research participants.