ROUTE #1: Process
ROUTE #1: Chapter-by-Chapter


Learn how Lærd Dissertation can help

When taking on a Route #1: Replication-based dissertation, irrespective of the route that you adopt (i.e., Route A: Duplication, Route B: Generalisation or Route C: Extension) or the approach within that route, Lærd Dissertation: (a) guides you through the process of carrying out your dissertation from topic idea to final written product; (b) explains many of the theoretical concepts and practical aspects of taking on a dissertation; and (c) shows you how to write up each chapter and section within your dissertation.

The Route #1 Process

In the section, The Route #1 Process, we provide step-by-step guides to help you work your way through your replication-based dissertation. Route #1: Replication-based dissertations are not only different from Route #2: Data-driven dissertations and Route #3: Theory-driven dissertations in what they are trying to achieve, and the various components that make up the dissertation, but also what you will need to think about and do at different stages of the dissertation process. This section of Lærd Dissertation sets out the 10 stages required in replication-based dissertations, explaining what you need to think about and do at each stage. When you finish reading this guide, The Route #1 Process is the next logical step.


As you work your way through the stages within The Route #1 Process, we point to numerous sections and articles in the Fundamentals part of Lærd Dissertation where you can read about important concepts you will need to understand to complete your replication-based dissertation. The Fundamentals section includes articles that are theory-based, but also practical articles that will help you complete the practical aspects of your dissertation, such as creating a new research question or hypothesis (i.e., for some generalisation and extension-based dissertations), or running a statistical test on your data using a stats packages such as SPSS. We understand that the dissertation process can be a challenge, and many research methods and statistics textbooks can be a hard read. Therefore, even in our theory-based articles, we try and use straightforward language and explain (or avoid, where possible) technical jargon.

Route #1: Chapter-by-Chapter

At the end of the day, we know that it's the final written product what gets marked. You'll only get a good mark for your dissertation if you?ve explained your ideas and presented your findings well on the page. Therefore, after you have worked through all 10 stages of The Route #1 Process, the Route #1: Chapter-by-Chapter section of Lærd Dissertation helps you helps you through each section of every chapter of the dissertation (i.e., from Formatting to Title, Abstract, Introduction, Literature Review, Research Strategy, Results, Discussion/Conclusions, References and Appendices). The guides in this section will help you through the main components of writing up, whether you are following Route A: Duplication, Route B: Generalisation or Route C: Extension. In each section of every chapter, we make suggestions about (a) the structure of the chapter, (b) what components to include, and (c) what you are trying to say in each of the components, whilst (d) providing examples to highlight our suggestions.

Get started!

If you have finished reading this guide, we recommend that you move The Route #1 Process.

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