At the end of the day, we know that it's the final written product what gets marked. You'll only get a good mark for your dissertation if you've explained your ideas and presented your findings well on the page. Therefore, in the Route #1: Chapter-by-Chapter menu above, we take you through each section of every chapter of the dissertation (i.e., from Formatting to Title, Abstract, Introduction, Literature Review, Research Strategy, Results, Discussion/Conclusions, References and Appendices). In each section of every chapter, we make suggestions about (a) the structure of the chapter, (b) what components to include, and (c) what you are trying to say in each of the components, whilst (d) providing examples to highlight our suggestions. The Chapter-by-Chapter section is specifically geared to Route #1: Replication-based dissertations, also taking into account some of the differences between dissertations that follow Route A: Duplication, Route B: Generalisation or Route C: Extension. Whilst you can access these chapter-by-chapter guides now if you prefer, the purpose of this Write up stage (i.e., STAGE TEN) is to first discuss some of the things you should think about when writing up. Of the many things to think about when writing up, the three we consider particularly important include: (a) word count issues; (b) where to find the best marks; and (c) deciding what order to write up the chapters in your dissertation.